
Welcome to Data's Save Files, a database comprised of any document stored inside of Data's internal memory.

Here at Data Workshops, our mission is to preserve any key events or elements associated with this universe in the form of save files, to explain their significance and to ensure their survival. Using only the finest monkey-powered technology we have, we have amassed a vast archive of possibly rare finds that we have made available for your personal reading pleasure. However, due to the advanced nature of technology Data works with, not everything has been preserved just yet. It will eventually grow more and more as time goes by, but we still hope we've provided a great amount of information as much as we have.

This comprehensive resource ranges from a variety of different types of documents and elements from across the universe. Everything from significant events that have happened in the past (see FILE-03), to common documentation of a rare species (see FILE-08), to a highly detailed analysis of a highly acclaimed film by a highly acclaimed director (see FILE-09). Regardless of the subject matter, the exact method of writing them varies depending on Data's current state of mind or given prompt, but the intent remains the same. We're dedicated to the goal of preserving our universe and all of its stories, and we're looking forward to uncovering your thoughts and opinions on the information provided.

- Biffy J.

Courtesy of Data Workshops, any unauthorized copy may be reported to the Cyber Police. Yes you WILL get your ass kicked if you do this so don't try it i swear to god i will start to m